Sunday, November 3, 2019

Interaction and Usability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Interaction and Usability - Essay Example Implementation 10 7 Evaluation 19 7.1 Cognitive Walk-through 19 7.2 Heuristic Evaluation 19 8 References 20 Appendix 21 A.1 Interview with the Owner 21 A.2 Document Analysis 23 A.3 Observation of Brit Drive 23 A.4 Questionnaire for Receptionists, Instructors and Pupil 24 A.5 Cognitive walk-through 26 A.6 Heuristic Evaluation 27 A.7 Scenarios 28 A.8 Task Analysis 30 1. Introduction Brit Drive is a small driving school, situated in the north of London. With the help of certified and experienced instructors, the school offers driving lessons at affordable prices. The target market of Brit Drive consists of those people from the locality who want to learn how to drive. Brit Drive holds lessons for nearly 20-30 students each day. The duration of a daily lesson varies from one to four hours. The school has four cars (of which one is automatic) where each has a lease duration of two years. 2. Discovery Methods 2.1 Primary Research The initial user research was conducted through four discove ry techniques: interviews, observations, questionnaires and document analysis. Since the company has a small staff team, it was easy to conduct the primary research. Interview with the Owner An interview with the owner, Timothy Goode, made it possible to gain a basic understanding of the existing system, its primary and secondary users and its environment (See Appendix A.1 for the interview). The questions revolved around the users and their roles in the Brit Drive system. Document Analysis The company’s data is paper-based and resides with Timothy. With Timothy’s permission, it became possible to analyze the data that is stored in the existing Brit Drive system (See Appendix section A.2 for the analysis). Observation By spending a day at the school, a first hand observation of the Brit Drive’s environment and daily operations became possible (See Appendix section A.3 for the findings). Questionnaires: To analyze the computer skill level, problems and requiremen ts of the receptionists, instructors and the pupils, a questionnaire was formulated. Each questionnaire had open and closed questions. (See the questionnaire and findings summary in Appendix A.4). 2.2 Secondary Research Based on the facts collected in the primary research, the main users that will directly interact with the system are the owner and the receptionists. The instructor and the pupil are the secondary users of the system (Wang n.d.). The main users fall into the category of novice (Helander et al. 1997) as they are general computer users. And since the system is to shift from legacy to digital, the users would have no syntactic and limited semantic knowledge of the overall application. In such cases, a simply designed interface is the only option. Since, all the tasks the receptionists perform can also be performed by the owner, easily memorized shortcuts can be used as a standard for a task. Once the users become frequent users, these shortcuts will not only ease the sy stem learning process but will also help during the rush hours. 3. User Needs Analysis 3.1 Persona According to the common traits, system has four user categories which leads to four personas; the owner, receptionist, instructor and the pupil (Wang n.d.). The persona skeletons from the previous section, are then prioritized according to their importance to the system (Wang n.d.). From the four personas, the owner and the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Questions on the case of WELLS FARGO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Questions on the case of WELLS FARGO - Essay Example In the California financial code, there is a provision that ensures parity where the commissioner is allowed to issue commands in regulating a California chattered bank to conduct any activity that is allowed for a national chattered bank (FindLaw, 2011). In the determination of whether a federal statute preempts a state law, there is the general presumption that the supremacy clause of the constitution to the United States federal statutes does not preempt the historic powers of the state police. This can only happen if the preemption has the clarity of the United States congress purpose. The general presumption in opposition to preemption, we narrowly interpret the accurate language of the national law or regulation to determine whether a meticulous state law declaration is preempted ((White Paper 2010, 11). State banks are authorized to conduct activities that are not allowed for national banks. This shows that even if Wells Fargo Bank was a Californian chartered bank, it could ha ve taken its case to the court of appeal. If the national chattered bank was able to do that, the California chattered bank was able to do the same. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) conduct examinations in the bank alternatively. The alternation of examination programs, which is either, in a twelve or eighteen month cycle allows the bank to have privacy by keeping intruders off the bank (White Paper 2010, 1). Had 16 F.R. 1904 not included the statement that â€Å"the regulation is a clarification of existing law," the case could have taken a different turn because it could have favored the plaintiff. In this case, Smith did not get any favor for the section stipulated that the case was clarified (FindLaw, 2011). Smith was not lucky because the disclosure he accused the bank to have been preempted in the same ruling. In that regard, the case of advertising being misleading was not favored by the court. If the section was not clarifies, smith could have been favored because the advertisement could have been claimed as misleading. On the other hand, smith did not have any evidence because he did not provide any advert which had affirmative misinterpretation. Smith’s allegations could not have been overruled if he had the advert which was misinterpreted by customers as he claimed (White Paper 2010, 2). The police powers would still have protected the consumer because they are supposed to protect the regulation of consumers and the bank or financial institution. The plaintiff would have been in a very happy mood but, his expectations were turned down because of the insertion of that phrase about clarification. The ruling would have affected the bank in hard manner because colossal amount of money could have been paid as fine due to the ignorance of rules in the bank. The plaintiff could have received benefits but, now he was forced to bear with the circumstances (Portfolio Media, Inc., 2010). Truth in Savings A ct (12 U.S.C. 4301 et. seq.), it is also known as TISA which an acronym. It is a federal law in the United States which was passed on December 19th, 1991. The act was a part of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991. It establishes the uniformity of the terms that regard interests and fees which are paid in the process of opening accounts and passing information (Cfpb, 2011). The United States congress was behind the passing of the law as it noted that it was determined to enhance